How it works

Easy Peasy!
We try to make it fast, simple and secure for you. Simple steps are second to none:

Create a payment instruction

Tell us how much you want to send and how you would like your recipient to get
their money. The exchange rate displayed are what your recipient will receive.

Send money

Make a payment to our account using an internet banking transfer.
You will receive a notification by e-mail every step of the way.

Payment made to recipient

Once we have received your payment in our account, we will then forward the
money to your recipient in their local currency.

Do you need more help? Visit our FAQs or Contact us


Bank account

Straight to bank accounts

Cash pickup

Collect cash around the Philippines

Home delivery

Delivered to your doorsteps

Pinoy First



  • PO Box 1047
    North Cairns, QLD 4870